You may download a PDF of the Jr. UOL Info sheet below to include in your parish bulletin or website by clicking HERE.
2024-2025 National Jr. UOL Board
Junior League Spiritual Advisor - Fr. John Charest
Sts. Peter & Paul - Carnegie, PA
President- Mia Zetick
St. Vladimir-Philadelphia, PA
Vice President- Daniel Kondryshyn
Holy Ascension, Maplewood, NJ
Recording/Corresponding Secretary - Tatiana Korotinsky
St. Vladimir-Philadelphia, PA
Treasurer- Zakhary Ankosi
St. Vladimir-Philadelphia, PA
Financial Secretary- Marcia Goodge
Sts. Peter & Paul, Youngstown, OH
Junior League Advisor - Pani Matka BethAnne Harendza
St. Michael, Scranton, PA
Committees and Commissions
- Natalie Swan: PR, site and Membership
- Olesya Korotinsky: Christian Caregiving
- Mia Zetick: Fundraising, Great Lent Giveaway
- Stephen Sheptak: Chapter Recruitment
- Thomas Sheptak: Local Chapter Programming
Chapter Liaisons
- Natalie Swan: Allentown, Carteret, Johnson City
- Mia Zetick: New Britain and Scranton
- Olesya Korotinsky: Philadelphia and Chicago
- Thomas Sheptak: Palos Park, Youngstown, and Parma
- Stephen Sheptak-Super Chapter (Sharon, Carnegie, and Pittsburgh)