Over the years, the UOL has evolved into an organization for all ages with Senior and Junior chapters throughout the Church's parishes. Both the Senior and Junior UOL have National Executive Boards with officers who are elected at the National UOL Convention.
View or print a PDF List of UOL NEB Officers > Here
2024-2025 National UOL Executive Board
1st Vice President: Andrea Swan
St. Vladimir Cathedral, Philadelphia, PA
2nd Vice President: Natalie Bilynsky
St. Vladimir Cathedral, Philadelphia, PA
Corresponding Secretary: Anna Anderson
Sts. Peter & Paul, Youngstown, OH
Recording Secretary: Shirley Duffy
Sts. Peter & Paul, Youngstown, OH
Financial Secretary: Oleh Bilynsky
St. Vladimir Cathedral, Philadelphia, PA
Treasurer: Joseph Goodge
Sts. Peter & Paul, Youngstown, OH
Auditor: Teresa Linck
St. Mary, New Britain, CT
Bulletin Editor: Natalie Bilynsky
St. Vladimir Cathedral, Philadelphia, PA
PR Commission Chair: Karen Ferraro
St. Vladimir Cathedral, Philadelphia, PA
Junior League Advisor: PM BethAnne Harendza
St. Michael, Scranton, PA (member at large)
View or print a PDF List of UOL NEB Officers > Here
The UOL has the following Commissions that were formed to handle projects of top priority, the Chairperson is listed.
VOCATIONS & CLERGY SUPPORT : Joe Goodge and Father Philip Harendza vocations@uolofusa.org
This Commission was organized in 1964 for the purpose of encouraging and assisting young men toward the goal of priesthood under the name Clergy Candidate Commission. The Commission Chair is responsible for the administration of the Metropolitan John Scholarship Fund which is used to award scholarships and continuing education grants to seminarians and clergy of our Church. This Commission works closely with the Consistory’s Office of Vocations and the Rector of Saint Sophia Seminary to promote vocation programs and activities. It is also responsible for notifying and encouraging chapters to honor their Spiritual Advisors on Clergy Appreciation Sunday.
Metropolitan John Scholarship Fund : Grants, Scholarships and Loans to seminarians and clergy with the goal of becoming a priest in the UOC of the USA. For information click on the section to the right.
Additional information on the UOL Vocation & Clergy Support can be located HERE.
CHRISTIAN CARE GIVING & MISSIONS COMMISSION : Anna Anderson corrsecretary@uolofusa.org
This Commission is responsible for Christ-centered outreach to all people by providing information and assistance to Chapters in establishing outreach programs as well as establishing national and international missions. This Commission works in close coordination with the Consistory’s Office of Missions and Christian Charity. The Christian Caregiving and Missions Commission (CCMC) has coordinated fundraising efforts for Thanksgiving Tithing, Souper Bowl Sunday and a Spring Fundraiser. Donations have been made to support Mission Parishes, St. Andrew Society, Zoe for Life and the Eastern Orthodox Foundation.
November Focus is Thanksgiving Tithing. For information please click the information box to the left.
February will focus on Souper Bowl Sunday, the first Sunday in February. Link is here Souper Bowl Sunday
For additional information on the CCMC and upcoming projects please click CCMC
EDUCATION COMMISSION: Oleh Bilynsky education@uolofusa.org
This Commission oversees the UOL Essay Contest Committee and is responsible for determining and filling the educational needs of the UOL through publications, programs and speakers. The Commission chair works closely with the Annual Convention committee to determine and help sponsor the educational portion of the Annual Convention.
UOL Essay Contest: Teresa Linck uolessay@uolofusa.org
UOL Essay Contest is open to all members of the Church. Age appropriate topics and specific questions are developed by the Essay Contest Chair and Committee and submitted for approval by the Metropolitan or other bishop. UOL Essay Contest
UOL Educational Seminars & Retreats: Oleh Bilynsky webinars@uolofusa.org
If any online or in person seminars or retreats are scheduled please visit the information box to the right.
Praying Our Way Volunteer: Oleh Bilynsky praying-our-way@uolofusa.org
Current focus will be for Advent Lenten Period. Please click the information box to the right for information.
Pray Your Way
During Lenten Seasons
Self Praying Guide
In-person or online
Ways & Means Commission Teresa Linck
Annual Fund Drive –– The Annual Fund Drive is an effort to raise funds for the UOL operations. This Fund Drive has typically occurred in November. From 1998-2008 the UOL coordinated all fund drive appeals into one fundraising effort. During this time the Annual Fund Drive for UOL Projects, Metropolitan John Scholarship Fund and the Lynn Sawchuk-Sharon Kuzbyt Scholarship Fund
UOL Tribute Fund provides a unique opportunity for anyone to Congratulate, Celebrate, and Commemorate special people and occasions. Commemorations are published in the UOL Bulletin. Natalie
More information click here.
WAYS & MEANS COMMISSION Teresa Linck waysandmeans@uolofusa.org
Annual Fund Drive (TBD)
Tribute Fund Dr. Natalie Bilynsky uolbulletin@uolofusa.org
YOUTH COMMISSION Andrea Swan vp1@uolofusa.org
The duties of this Commission include but are not limited to advising and directing the Junior UOL and conducting all projects and programs for the Juniors in addition to all programs for Pre-Juniors and Young Adults 26 in the UOL, and working with the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. Information on the Youth Programas visit YOUTH.
Junior League Advisor PM BethAnne Harendza junioradv@uolofusa.org
The Junior League Advisor is appointed by the Senior Executive Board. He/she serves as the advisor of the Junior UOL and as a member of the Senior Board. For Jr. UOL Information, please visit their page at Jr UOL
Young Adult Chair Andrea Swan
Young Adult Chair plans activities for Young Adult members of the UOL. Events that have been planned included a Retreat at All Saints Camp during Memorial Day Weekend, Pre-Convention Days and a Ski Weekend in January.
Pre-Junior Coordinator Andrea Swan
Pre-Junior Coordinator- plans an educational program for pre-juniors at the UOL Convention
Jr UOL Events
Young Adult
See UOL Calendar
UOL PR Commission
PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMISSION: Karen Ferraro uolpr@uolofusa.org
Public Relations Commission is responsible for the dissemination of information pertaining to the Ukrainian Orthodox League across different platforms of print and electronic media. The commission oversees the distribution of all content generated by National Executive Board members, and Chapter members. Responsibilities of the Public Relations Chairperson focus on Website, Social Media, and Print material. Chapters and Parishes are encouraged to submit items to uolpr@uolofusa.org for publication. If chapters/parishes can submit a local representative for information to be distributed for publication, that would be appreciated.
All Saints Camp Delegate Shirley Duffy
All Saints Camp Committee Delegate is the liaison between the All Saints Camp Committee (a Committee of the UOC of USA) and the NEB. He or she is responsible for representing the League at Camp Committee meetings and functions.
UOL Archives – Karen Ferraro uolarchives@uolofusa.org
The League’s archives have been filed and stored at a central location. Maintenance is
coordinated and supervised by the Chair, who is responsible for the following: Establishing a procedure for receiving archival material (historical UOL records). Maintaining and updating the UOC Archives files located in the Cultural Center in South Bound Brook, NJ
Awards Committee open uolawards@uolofusa.org
The Awards Committee Chair is responsible for administrating the Awards of the UOL, including the UOL Chapter Achievement Award, V. Rev. Stephen Hallick-Holutiak Award, the Metro J. Baran award and the Distinguished National Service Award which are presented at the UOL’s Annual Convention.
Membership and Chapter Development Committee Shirley Duffy uolmembership@uolofusa.org
Constitution/Handbook Committee Matushka Laryssa Charest resources@uolofusa.org
Constitution and Handbook Committee is responsible for maintaining updated, printed copies of the UOL Constitution and Handbook, as well as reviewing the document and bringing any changes proposed by the NEB, the committee, any Annual Convention committee or delegate to the Annual Convention body for consideration and approval.
Cultural Committee Matushka Laryssa Charest culture@uolofusa.org
Cultural Committee is responsible for promoting knowledge and awareness of Ukrainian culture through educational workshops, contests, articles in the UOL Bulletin and other dissemination of information.
Strategic Planning Committee Dr. Natalie Bilynsky uolstrategic@uolofusa.org
Strategic Planning Committee is the method used by the NEB to incorporate Annual Convention Committee recommendations, policy resolutions, and board initiatives into an annual working plan based on goals and objectives. It involves starting with the “big picture” and the “long range” and narrowing the focus to broad goals, which are further narrowed to specific objectives, and finally an action plan.
UOL Bulletin Dr. Natalie Bilynsky uolbulletin@uolofusa.org
UOL Bulletin Editor is responsible for the production and distribution of the UOL’s official publication, which is published seven times per year and mailed to all members. It contains timely news of interest to all members and highlights news items on national, regional and local events and activities. The editor is appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee and serves as a member ofthe Executive Board.
LSSK Scholarship Fund Teresa Linck lssk@uolofusa.org
Lynn Sawchuk-Sharon Kuzbyt Memorial Scholarship Committee oversees the application and distribution process for the scholarship, as well as coordinates all fundraising efforts for LSSK.
Annual Convention: 78th Annual UOL Convention to be run by the Sr. National Executive Board Matushka Laryssa Charest, Chair