Senior UOL Resources:
- Handbook and Constitution (including all Forms. Some forms are outdated. Please see list of Sr. UOL Reporting Forms below for current.)
- Chapter Responsibilities
DRAFT 2022 Handbook and Constitution Update (Handbook only Updates) CLICK HERE
Senior UOL Award Forms:
Other Senior UOL Resources:
Junior UOL Forms, Awards and Resources
Junior League Resources:
Resources for Junior Chaperone/Advisers/Organizers for PA events
Events held in state of PA may require clearances for people involved with Junior UOL events
Link if needed to obtain clearances for such events:
Junior Forms and Reports:
*Updated Form/Report
Junior Scholarships & Awards:
*Updated form
- *LSSK Scholarship Information
- The above will take you to the LSSK page.
- The Very Reverend Volodymyr Bukata Award